5 For $15 (or less), Summer 2018 Edition
Summer is here, and that means it's time to pop open a bottle (or two) of wine, and start drinking. If you're on a budget, or just want to be economical, we're here to help: we've sorted and tasted our way through several bottles of good, refreshing, and crisp wines for you to drink in the summer heat.
An incredibly tasty Rioja Crianza with oaky hints of vanilla, a refreshing body, and flavors of red fruit. Rioja often stands out as an excellent value wine, and this is no exception.
A very clean and ripe smelling Albariño with crisp notes of lemon on the nose. Has a tonic water taste to it -- in a good way -- with a sharp taste of apple coming through. An excellent and affordable wine to sit an drink all summer.
This is a very clean, crisp, and refreshing wine. Incredibly dry, nice lemon-y acid -- almost like adult lemonade minus the sweetness. We liked this so much, it's become our default bargain Riesling.
A nice, clean, and refreshing Chardonnay that is easy to drink in the summer months. An unoaked wine, this is crisp, has a nice acidity, and tastes of green apples. Also has a nice creaminess to it. This is our go-to, "don't want to spend too much money," Chardonnay, and has helped us keep cool in the Virginia heat.
Last, but not least, my personal favorite. Fruity. Full-bodied. Oaky. Some pepper. A big, bold, and tasty wine that goes down without a hitch. Buy and drink for summer... and fall. It's listed at $16-18, but you can find it for $12-13 if you look a little. An absolute bargain.